1. Person who is “Teachable”
2. Person who is “Righteous” 3. Person who is “Humble” (this teaching on) 4. Person is Self-controlled, not rash a. Our Attitude † Self-controlled † Calm Spirit † Long Fuse b. Our Actions † Thoughtful, not hasty † Thinks b4 acts and speaking |
Proverbs on Character building to be a Wise person
1. Person who is “Teachable”, Loves instruction 2. Person who is “Righteous”: Goes down right paths, loves goodness 3. Person who is “Humble”: Humus, fertile soil |
1. Friends are to be VALUED
2. Friends are CONSTANT 3. Friends share words of WISDOM 4. Friends fulfill their COMMITMENTS. 5. Friends always work for PEACE 6. Friends know when to GO 7. Friends are TRUTHFUL 8. True Friend SHARES JESUS |
1. Strengthening our Relationship with our Parents
A. Respect is key B. Listen to your parents C. Bring them honor and joy 2. Strengthening our Relationship with our Spouse A. Show Appreciation B. Praise each other C. Trust each other D. Be Faithful 3. Strengthening our Relationship with our Children A. Love Them B. Be Concerned for them C. Teach them |
Words have life, words have meaning. Words can uplift or tear down. Proverbs has some words to help us grow in our relationship with the Lord God.
Proverbs for Life part 1
Wanted: A seeking Heart for Wisdom and discipline. |
Three major themes in Habakkuk
1. God is ALIVE and in His holy temple 2. The Just live by Faith 3. will rejoice...even in the midst of loss. |
Habakkuk, and OT prophet who speaks God's Word to the people....people like us, going through many of the same political and lax of moral standings we have today.
We will spend two weeks looking at these great words. |
We are called to be Rooted in the Lord, and grafted into the Vine...in order to bear fruit to the Father's Glory----not our glory.
What needs to be pruned in your life to be more focused on fruit bearing? How are you presently bearing fruit? |
Faithfulness in our lives and in God's word.
Gentleness, strength under control and Self Control...do you know all 9 elements of the Fruit of the Spirit calls us to submit entirely to the Holy Spirit. |
We continue studying the Fruit of the Spirit with: Patience,
Kindness and Goodness |
Are you at living out the Fruit of the Spirit with Love, Joy and Peace?
To fully understand the Fruit of the Holy Spirit, we need to understand the opposite, the works of our flesh.
To walk in Legalism (works righteousness) or License (anything goes) is wrong. We are called to Liberty in our Love of the Lord and others, as we LOVE to walk in the disciples the Scriptures call us too. |
We're told in Ephesians 6 to put on the Armor of god and what that armor is. Paul ends with the words, Pray always for all and be on Alert for evil. Friends, our lives are to be lives of prayer for others and beacons of Jesus' light.
The Helmet of Salvation...and the Sword of the Spirit--the Word of God.
Friends, it's not my words, nor your words---but God's word that speaks into and changes our lives. |
Putting on more of the Amor of God....boots, shield and helmet.
We are so blessed God provides us all we need to be in the battle with the Trinity. |
Three items needed for the Roman warrior....
a. Belt of Truth b. Breastplate of Righteousness c. Sandals for readiness....the Gospel of Peace., |
Armor of God....we have safety clothes for many jobs. Motorcyclist wear helmets and leather gear to protect their bodies. We wear lift jackets while boating or tubing.
In like manor, the Apostle Paul tells us to Put on the Armor of God as we can STAND in the face of the demonic. This video is the start of a 3 part---3 part series on The Armor of God The Fruit of the Holy Spirit and The Gifts of the Holy Sprit |
Short thoughts on Maundy Thursday
Short teaching on the Seder meal....
See more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gjf1v6Xmhs |
God promised Abram and Sari children, but after 10 years they had none. So Sari took her handmaiden-- Hagar--and gave her to Abram. Well, Hagar became pregnant and chaos ensured. Friends---when we Run before God, when we think we know better than God or that God needs our help--- we create chaos. And yet in the chaos, God still: sees us, hears us and knows our needs.
Hannah so desired a child, she was teased by her sister wife and felt a "bitterness in her Soul". How often don't we also feel a bitterness...and yet, like Hannah, we can learn to pour our hearts out to the Lord and let HIM have our pain.
Come Lord Jesus---Maranatha
Where will you final address be? |
The Apostle John gives us a snapshot of the scene of
Heaven....it's going to be GLORIOUS. |
What do you think we will be doing with the Lord for Eternity?
Scripture gives us a clue....WORSHIP |
Heaven: what to expect at the gate
1. the Book of Life 2. Relationships 3. Renewed / Glorious bodies 4. Residence |
Heaven....our final frontier.
We plan for everything in life...but how much do we plan for our eternal home and how much do we know about Heaven. we are starting a series on "Heaven, Finally Home". |
The world wants peace...but peace gets lost in the drive for more power, more material goods, etc.. But there is One who can bring lasting Peace, the Prince of Peace.
4th Sunday of Advent Being a Father has been one of my greatest joys....but like my Father before me---I will one day die. BUT my Savior, the infant child we worship is the Everlasting Father.. Amen to this |
The Infant Child will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Might God....Isa 9: 6
Truly, we can mock and play games with God all we want, but God’s wisdom and power are so far beyond us. We are foolish to contend with the Almighty. |
1st Sunday Of Advent
These four Sundays we will be studying Isaiah 9: 6-7 on the amazing words that the Child born will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. This short teaching is on Wonderful / Counselor. |
1st Timothy 5-6, Paul has some great ideas of how to Love others, (not love money) and flee sin, pursue what is good in God’s Eyes, Fight the good fight and Take Hold of the Faith.
1st Tim 2 on Worship....prayers for ALL leaders, why---so we can live peaceful, Godly lives. We are take a look at Biblical elements of worship: Kneeling or Bowing Down, Lifted Hands
Dancing, Clapping Hands, Shouting, Singing and Silence. |
The Apostle Paul doesn't mix words when it comes to False teachers.. In short a false teacher is self seeking....but we (I) am called to stay true to the Ancient Living Words of Scripture.
New Short Series on 1st Timothy
Last week we talked some of discipleship, the best models we have is of the Apostle Paul and Timothy. this teaching is on 1: 1-2, which sets up the rest of the 6 chapters. These two verses of Chapter 1 are power packed: Hope, Grace, Mercy, Peace...all come from our relationship with the risen Lord. |
Matt 28 is Christ's call to the Church---to us.
To make disciples, while we are on the way of life...to teach, baptize and mentor. I wonder how well have we done in this area? Or are we simple good consumers? |
Isaiah 66:13 (NIV)
“As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem." God will comfort His people with all the ɫ affection of a mother. ɫ patience / forbearance of a mother. ɫ forgiveness of a mother. ɫ instruction / discipline of a mother. ɫ constancy of a mother. |
Isaiah 64:8 (NIV) Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.
1. Clay is Chosen John 6:44 (NIV) 2. Wedged/kneading: air out, push away: Isaiah 43:25 (NIV) 3. Chose a technic: throwing, coiling or pinch : Psalm 139:14 4. Making the Pottery: Potter gets Dirty: Matthew 18:12 (ASV) 5: Trimming and Decorating your Pottery: Gal. 5:22-24 6. 1st Fire once dry: Isaiah 43:1-2 7. Glazing your pottery: Eph. 6:10-12 8. 2nd Fire/ Finish: Phil. 1:6 |
Isa 40 calls us to Remember God's faithfulness, even in the midst of our loss. These are words I OFTEN lean into.
If we can trust Waze or Goggle Maps...how about we also trust in the original GPS, the Word of God
Do you know the Bible?
Isaiah 8: 16-17 says 1. Remember the testimony of the faithful 2. Teach scripture 3. Wait for the LORD, 4. Put your trust in Him. |
The Jewish people during the time of Isaiah did the "motions" of worship, but their hearts were fare from God. How about you? Micah says (a contemporary of Isaiah) in 6:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. |
Isa 6 is about
1. God's Holiness, our sinfulness 2. Forgiveness came for Isa by a hot coal, for us by Christ Jesus 3. We are then given a mission---work to be done for the Lord |
Isaiah 53 speaks of the Coming Messiah, the Suffering Servant. 700 years before Christ is born, Isaiah has these amazing words.
We will spend 6-8 weeks studying Highlights from Isaiah. |
VBS STELLA : The Deacon Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch meet and both men are changed
1. One acts on the direction of the Holy Spirit 2. One's life was COMPLETELY changed |
VBS STELLA Zacchaeus, Luke 19, a changed man after meeting Jesus' light....does Christ's light change us?
Stellar VBS, Shine Jesus Light----Hope starts in our lives knowing Jesus is the Light of the World. Here's 5 ideas of the foundation of Hope
Many Christians start strong---but weakly finish. Psm 119: 105-112 gives us four steps in "finishing well".
Living Life without regrets.....the Psmist has some great teachings on this matter.
3 week study on Psm 119.
Do we want to be blessed? I know I do. But how are we blessed. Psm 119 tells us is plain language how to seek God's blessings. |
Jonah: not just a story of a big fish and a running, scared prophet, but a prophet who knew about God's mercy and Jonah did not WANT God's mercy for the people of Nineveh. And yet, God desires that all women and men come to a repentance and relationship with Jesus..
Joshua 24:15
But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.“ 1. Get off the fence 2. Step up with influence 3. Decision for Jesus not made lightly 4. Willing to go public 5. Follow through, obedience |
Joshua 7:20 Achan replied, "It is true! I have sinned against the LORD, the God of Israel.
I saw ---careful little eyes I coveted ---willful choice! I took ---willful action I hid them ---willful action There is a Cost to our willful sin, saying we know better than God |
Joshua 5-6
Making the Impossible---possible |
Joshua 3-4: Crossing the Jordan
1.Sanctify yourself 2.Ark with the Priests / Faith leads 3.Cross over: ʿābar 4.Memorial for teaching |
Joshua sends 2 spies to check out the land, esp Jericho
In Jericho, Rahab saves the spies and in the process is saved herself. Read Joshua 2 as you watch this teaching 1. God saves those with a past. 2. God uses those with a past. 3. God redefines those with a past. |
Joshua's Journeys
Joshua learned in Moses shadow for 40 years, and now he is called to lead the Hebrew people into the Promised land. God a special call in Joshua's life and our lives. "Be Strong and Courageous" |
Lenten Series, Interruptions of Jesus on the way to the cross.
Three vary different interruptions 1. Rich young ruler---wanted to earn salvation 2. James and John---wanted the best seats in the new Kingdom 3. Bartimaeus---simply wanted to see. Jesus says only Bartimaeus has "faith"....how about you and I? |
Lenten short series, Jesus, set his face like "flint" to Jerusalem. He knew his purpose, to seek and to save the lost. Here we see parents bringing their children to be Blessed by Jesus and yet the disciples put up roadblocks. In the interruptions of life, Jesus finds ministry opportunities, can we?
Lenten short series, Jesus, set his face like "flint" to Jerusalem. He knew his purpose, to seek and to save the lost. Our question is do we know our purpose and do we play the long game----with the end goal and purpose in sight.
Organic Disciples with 7 Disciplines. Sharing ones faith may be the scariest thing we do, and yet we are called as sons and daughters of the King of kings to share our faith. Here are 4 simple ideas to take away your fear.
Organic Disciples, this weeks teaching is on Consistent Community. The Faith community is called to be a family. All families have celebrations and struggles…yet we stick together. The same is true of the Faith community.
Sorry I can’t put the verses in, no power at church or home for 3 days, so I can’t edit this video |
Joyful Generosity
Jesus says it best----where we put our treasures is where are heart is? This is a short teaching on Giving, tithing and love gifts....to be done joyfully |
Organic Disciples:
Humble Service with Compassion in our hearts |
Organic Disciples
Wholehearted Worship is: Authentic and Joy-filled Worshipers who Reveal Jesus to others |
Organic Disciples part 3---Passionate Prayer
Prayer for Jesus was as natural as breathing, here are some aids to enhance your prayer life. |
Organic Disciples part 2 Bible Engagement
We may say we love the Lord Jesus---but a question is: do we spend time reading, studying His love letter to us? Three ways that Jesus looked at the Scriptures' was with eyes of Love, a desire to Know the Word and heart to Follow All it taught. Here are some ideas to help you truly Engage with the Bible. . |
Organic Discipleship part 1 ....growing in our relationship with Jesus Christ in order to disciple others.
The Great Commission Matt 28 Join us for an 8 week series on growing spiritually and naturally learning to Share your faith in Christ with others. |
The Magi's story gives us 5 basic truths
about Worshiping Jesus. |
The Magi brought 3 specific gifts
1. Gold to Honor Him as KING 2. Frankincense to Honor Him as GOD 3. Myrrh to Honor Him as SAVIOR Question is: What you do give him? |
Luke 2: 8-14 has a surprising statement.....Peace only comes to those who receive or accept God's Favor. In other words, Peace is given to those who accept the Christ Child as their Savior.
3rd Sunday Of Advent
Great Joy....comes from the birth of the Messiah. Happiness happens Joy is ABIDING in Christ, as the Object of our JOY |
Hesed/ Steadfast Love
John 3:16 (NKJV) For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Isaiah 54:10 Though the mountains be shaken, and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love (hesed) for you will not be shaken. |
Advent is a 4 week period when we prepare our hearts for the birth of the Messiah.
Here is s short teaching on HOPE H: Spiritual Heritage O; Optimism P: Person of Christ E: Endurance to run the marathon set before us. |
Part 2
Parable of the Sower is about discipleship, your own and how we help disciple others. This parable is key to all the rest of the parables. 1.Indifferent Heart/ Hard - no growth nor fruit 2.Impulsive Heart / Shallow- Immediate but dies, no fruit 3.Impure Heart / Crowded - Immediate, choked out, no fruit 4.Humble (humus) Heart / Good – Significant, 30 ,60, 100-fold |
The Parable of the Sower, Seeds, Soils and Spiritual Growth are pivotal in a Christian's life. We will ben having two teachings on this Parable from Mark 4 and Matt 13
#5 of Romans 12 series
Responding to evil and those who treat you wrongly Romans 12 14-21.
Everyone has been hurt by someone. The question is, what do you do with that hurt? For some people, faith calls them to a difficult road of...dare I say it, "offering mercy." But how is this done? Here are a few ideas from Romans 12 |
Romans 12 9 13 Authentic Community Loving the Body of Christ. We all wear masks, but to be truly a follower of Christ we are called to removed our masks and love each other. Here's the 4th teaching from Romans 12
Romans 12 3ff Who are we and what are we called to do 16 Oct 2022
Where do you find your: Identity, your Security and your Significance? I find mine in these verses. This is part 3 of a teaching on Romans 12 |
Romans 12 2 Transformation, Discipleship starts with total Surrender Romans 12: 1 and then moves into a Transformation of our hearts and minds to become like Christ.
5 part Series on Romans 12
R12 1 A Fully Committed Life I surrender all. Do you know what God wants from you? Do you know what God desires to give us? This is the 1st of 5 teachings on Romans 12, I know you will grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus through this study.
Part 2 on Friendship of the Heart
Here are 9 points the Apostle Paul makes to Philemon about caring for fellow Christians. Paul is very straight forward. |
Philemon is a short New Testament book by Paul which gives us some great teachings on how to be a true, faith filled friend. This is a 2 part teaching (this week and next week)
Having a bad hair day |
I ended up at Bronson Hospital with a torn retina...middle of Bible School....wow!!! I needed to totally trust in Jesus' care.
Pam 121 What do your eyes focus on in life, God's eyes focus on you--He watches over us. We are called to keep our eyes on Him.
July 24, 2022 |
Psalms of Summer
Psalm 23 The Good Shepherd July 17, 2022 |
Psalms of Summer
Psalms of Summer
Psalm 15 Living Christ Like July 3, 2022 |
Back to Basics, the 5 Solas:
Sola God Alone. June 12, 2022 |
Back to Basics, the 5 Solas:
Sola Grace. May 27, 2022 |
God is Doing a New Thing in your life
May 22, 2022 |
Back to Basics, the 5 Solas:
Back to Basics, the 5 Solas:
From the Joy of Easter to Our New Job Description
Passion of the Christ Series:
Passion of the Christ Series:
Passion of the Christ Series:
Passion of the Christ Series:
Passion of the Christ Series:
Passion of the Christ Series:
Passion of the Christ Series:
Purpose Driven Life Series:
Purpose Driven Life Series:
Purpose Driven Life Series:
Purpose Driven Life Series:
Purpose Driven Life Series:
Pastor Nate Bull
Purpose Driven Life Series:
Purpose Driven Life Series:
Messages from the Manger:
Messages from the Manger:
The “J” Men of Christmas- Advent: John the Baptizer
The “J” Men of Christmas- Advent: The Stump of Jesse
The “J” Men of Christmas- Advent: Joseph
iBelieve |
iBelieve |
The Day After |
Barrier Free |
Extravagant Giving |
Perpetual Awareness
I Pledge Allegiance to Jesus |
Glimpses of God's Character |
Inheritance is Given, Not Earned |
Who's Number One? |
Lord I Believe!
I Am the Bread of Life |
Herod Kills
Woman Healed
From Death to Life |
The Storms of Life |
The Reign of God Grows |
Sower, Seeds, and Soil |
Diversity of the Disciples |
Fickle Crowd, Faithful Follower |
Accusation of Leaders, Method Changes, Message Does Not |
The Call of Levi |
The Power Source |
The Beginning of The Gospel |